Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new city, residents still can't park

i might have returned to the east coast, but the residents on my side street in cambridge still have issues with parking

apparently only having parking on one side of the street is not a widely understood concept.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

no vacation from bad park jobs

as seen in the charlotte airport:i guess seeing jeff gordon's car on display might bring joy to a stressed traveler.
i got a good laugh.

no they were not pulling out

of their parking spot when this photo was taken.
but it does make for a quick get-a-way,
i wonder what they were plotting?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i swear i didn't leave this note...

"this is how a MORON parks they're car.
its not nice to block a pedestrian crosswalk. have a day!"
but really i didn't leave this note.
reasons why it wasn't me:
1. i know the difference between their/there/they're.
2. moron is not my choice name to call bad parkers
3. my handwriting it not that neat

i do appreciate that other people are committed to pointing out those that can't park.

Monday, April 12, 2010

giving up is easier

I understand the temptation to give upbut really it wouldn't take a lot more of an effort to inch towards the curb.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

an absence from blogging doesn't mean everyone has learned where the curb is

but really traffic does still need to get through, so move out of the street

and find the curb
or you will find yourself back on this blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

call for photos.

in search of photographs of bad park jobs.
don't feel limited to wash ave folks, bad parkers are everywhere.

email your submissions here, witty commentary will be added.